FORUM press statement on monuments and historic buildings
With regard to the recent discussion around the future of colonial monuments and buildings, the Forum of German-Speaking Namibians would like to add its voice.
With regard to the recent discussion around the future of colonial monuments and buildings, the Forum of German-Speaking Namibians would like to add its voice.
Stacey Pinto, CEO of the Namibia Trade Forum, will throw light on the "Buy Local - grow Namibia" campaign. And SMEs will display their goods and talk about the road to success.
In view of its objective to establish and maintain conciliatory dialogue the Forum welcomes this proposal to remember a daughter of Namibia with a street name in one of the most prominent capitals in the world.
Die große Ehre, die Benennung einer Straße nach ihr in einer der bedeutsamsten Hauptstädte der Welt, würde sich diese Tochter Namibias mehr als würdig erweisen.
Labour expert Herbert Jauch and economic specialist Romé Mostert of Cirrus Capital will throw light on the topic.
The topic will be subdivied into five themes, e.g. decentralization vs deconcentration and what improvements could be considered.
New opportunities for young entrepreneurs, employees and skilled workers in Namibian tourism – this vital sector for Namibia is back in the starting blocks after the crisis. What skills are needed? Which companies are looking for new employees? Our top-class panelists search for answers.
Am Samstag, den 4. Juni 2022, hat unsere erste Jahreshauptversammlung in den Räumlichkeiten des Goethe Instituts in Windhoek, 1-4 Fidel Castro Straße, stattgefunden. Vorher gab es noch eine außergewöhnliche Mitgliederversammlung und vormittags eine Tourismus-Podiumsdiskussion.
Der erste Vortrag in Kooperation mit der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Swakopmund findet am 17. März 2022 um 18 Uhr im Museumssaal statt.
The Forum of German-speaking Namibians regrets the decision by the responsible authorities to continue using the former concentration camp ‘Shark Island’ next to Lüderitz harbour as camping ground for travellers and tourists. This, in spite of remonstrations by representatives of the Nama and Ovaherero descendants of the colonial genocide generations, who constitute ...